[my first install]Why only squirrel webmail?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by emufile, Oct 15, 2013.

  1. emufile

    emufile New Member

    Hello everyone,
    i'm Ale from Italy and this is my real first installation on a production server :(
    i've a dedicated server on my ISP whit Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS 32bit
    I follow the guide on "fantastic" howtoforge

    all seems ok

    ISPCONFIG seems to run good....but when i create a site every site go to my squirrelmail webmail.....why????

    at page 6 of the guide say
    You can now access SquirrelMail from your web site as follows:
    You can also access it from the ISPConfig control panel vhost (after you have installed ISPConfig, see the next chapter) as follows (this doesn't need any configuration in ISPConfig):
    If you'd like to use the alias /webmail instead of /squirrelmail, simply open /etc/apache2/conf.d/squirrelmail.conf...
    vi /etc/apache2/conf.d/squirrelmail.conf
    ... and add the line Alias /webmail /usr/share/squirrelmail:
    Alias /squirrelmail /usr/share/squirrelmail
    Alias /webmail /usr/share/squirrelmail
    the problem can be this?

    Thank you very much
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. emufile

    emufile New Member

    thank you :)

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