configure wheezy with Puppet for ISPConfig3

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by planetlarg, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. planetlarg

    planetlarg New Member

    I am working on using Puppet to install the dependencies for ISPConfig3. I am too lazy to configure new virtual machines by hand, and would rather put in ten times the effort making Puppet do it.

    Is anyone interested in the Puppet config?

    If so, I am happy to share. If nobody uses Puppet, I won't put the time into cleaning up my notes.

    Many thanks,
  2. Typhon

    Typhon New Member

    I am working on a module, but can't say if it's shareable :D
  3. teoverton

    teoverton New Member

    Hi Guys, did either of you finish your modules? I'd be interested in them as I was just about to start doing one myself and would appreciate anything you had to share as I am very new to puppet.

  4. arraken

    arraken Member


    I'd be very interested in your work as well. It would definitely be a huge help if I could build on existing modules for setting up my vm's. :) Currently I only found the meht/ispconfig module, which is very good, but for singleserver with nginx, while I would like to build a multiserver setup with apache.

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