Virtual Users And Domains With Postfix, Courier, MySQL And SquirrelMail (Debian Wheez

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by champs, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. champs

    champs New Member

    Premature celbrations.

    First email from my workstation went right through to the destination but thats where it stopped.

    Emails are now leaving the email client / phone but never arrive at othe side?
  2. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    And that means?

    Still something wrong with the settings on your server and/or your Modem/Router if, it's fact what you wrote, the Mails leaving the e-mail client and/or the phone! Check the Mail and Error Log's files on server to see there is any indication.
  3. champs

    champs New Member

    I'm back. Sorry for the pause. Work takes priority.

    I don't know what that means. That's why I am asking for help.

    It is a fact. Emails leave the client/phone, but never appear at the other end.

    I know I can look at the logs, but don't know what I'm looking for?

    It probably is just a setting like before, but I don't know what the settings should be so I can't tell if they are wrong.

    I'm hoping someone that knows the setup as per the thread subject can advise what the settings should be so I can check were I have gone wrong.

  4. champs

    champs New Member

    Anyone? Please
  5. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    Fact is that your server isn't able to receive or send mails because it's wrongly configured. Period!

    If I were you, I would do a new and clean installation following the Guides given on this site word by word. Forget was was done on the old server, that didn't work any more for what reason whatsoever! Get over it and start from Zero (0)!

    And last but not least, a new installation would be the fastest and cleanest solution.
  6. champs

    champs New Member

    It is a new install.... And was done word for word as per the guide.

    The server receives mail fine. Just can't send.

    As you continuesly tell me in this thread, it's just a setting on my router.

    But if you can't tell me what setting to look at, and what the sttings should be...... Then please stop responding.

    Can anyone else help?
  7. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    OK, fine, you could receive via your server mail from outsite! Your comment in post #21 is a bit misleading and I realised later that you send Mail from your desktop and NOT directly from your server, the mail was not received and therefore further transferred by your server as an result of an non-working SMTP Relay!

    No I didn't! What I told you and tell again, is that you could not send Mail via your server is you use your own SMTP. You tested to send with your ISP's SMTP Open Relay server (look at your post: #14)! You didn't stated that you used that Open Relay of your ISP via your Server or just send from your Desktop Mail Client! That your Router is part of this "game", is just because the Router handles the Port Forwarding for to point the traffic in the right direction and that also means that the router and the server have to work closely together

    Install an SCP Client like WinSCP on your desktop, connect to your Server by SSH with the same credential as for PuTTY and check all your Config File regarding Mail. Also use that for to check where the ports are blocked in your server and open (unblock) the required ports for your Mail Transport.

  8. champs

    champs New Member

    I did some testing and found that all mail accounts are receiving mail from both internal (on my server) and external mail accounts (hotmail, gmail, ISP).

    Internal mail accounts can send to each other without issue, but they can not send to external mail accounts. The device/mail client says that it has been sent, but it's never received at the other end.

    When I changed the settings on my mail client to use my ISP's SMTP, the mail was received at the other end.

    I also read a couple of the failed delivery notifications that I recevied yesterday. One of them states that the mail was refused due to IP address on the Policy Block List.

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