Problem with ISPConfig 3 Mail (Debian Wheezy, Roundcube)

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by nagiii, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. nagiii

    nagiii New Member


    I have some problems after I did everything like the HowTo here ( )

    After I installed RoundCube I am not able to use the ISPConfig Mail options anymore, none of them.
    If i press E-Mail (with Admin, reseller or client acc) only a loading animation appears briefly and then there is the page before displayed.

    I created a snapshot before Roundcube, there it works and again and again after every installation of RoundCube it doesn't work anymore.

    Hope someone of you can help me, thank you :D

    lg nagiii
  2. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    Did you have a look in the error.log?
    Maybe the files created are owned by wrong user and blocked by suexec or something similar.
  3. nagiii

    nagiii New Member

    i looked lot of logs, yeah apache error.log says something ..

    but i am not very good in interpreting that:

    yeah.. this is all log from a query to ispconfig e-mail

    maybe you can tell me something^^

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