Bind & cron behavior

Discussion in 'General' started by oceanlies, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. oceanlies

    oceanlies New Member


    My Bind configuration just broken itself, and i don't know why.
    Suddenly all my sites was not accessible, i restarted Bind and i can see its only listen on

    So i make a change in named.conf.options

            listen-on-v6 { ::1; };
            listen-on {; };
            allow-recursion {; ::1; };
    And everything was back to normal.

    The question is why Bind stopped to listen outside ?
  2. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    And what did you change to make bind listen not only to localhost?

    If you only use listen-on {; }; bind will ONLY accept local-queries.

    To check the ip bind listens on: lsof -Pni :53
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Additionally to florians questions: IPCnfig is not altering the file named.conf.options, so if it was changed, then either a admin on the system must have changed it manually or by using another software like webmin.
  4. oceanlies

    oceanlies New Member

    I changed

    listen-on {; };

    With my ip.

    I was thinking about a ispconfig cron, because i am the only admin on the server and i did not change anything in the configuration the last 2 days.

    No intrusion in the system, & i get many protection (htaccess on ispconfig admin, ssh port changed, auth with public key,...)

    Btw, in the meantime Bind stopped to work, i've got a flood of this error (x7, for each sites on the server i guess) :

    CA path error, file does not exist:admin/openssl.cnf
    Which refer to this post :

    Dunno if it's linked, but happened at the same time.

    And the last error i get is :

     named[2738]: error (unexpected RCODE SERVFAIL) resolving '': 2001:41d0:1:4a8d::1#53
     named[2738]: error (connection refused) resolving '':
    (The domain is mine, and the error happened only 1 time)

    Keep looking, but no answer so far.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig is not altering the named.conf.options file at all, so your issue is not ispconfig related. If this file was altered, then either you, anoher admin of the system or another software must have altered it.

    But whats more likely is that the file was not altered, instead your server was attacked by a bind recusion attack and you stopped it by inserting these lines, the bropblem is now that you closed bind completely which causes your domains to fail. Restore the original named.conf option file and insert just this additional line:

    allow-recursion {; ::1; };

    and then restart bind.
  6. oceanlies

    oceanlies New Member

    All my domains suddenly stopped to work after the two errors i mentioned.
    But i did not created the problem (which make my domains stop working)

    So if the basic state of named.conf.options is

            dnssec-validation auto;
            auth-nxdomain no;    # conform to RFC1035
            listen-on-v6 { ::1; };
            listen-on {; };
            allow-recursion {; ::1; };
    To be clear, my actual named.conf.options is :

            dnssec-validation auto;
            auth-nxdomain no;    # conform to RFC1035
            listen-on-v6 { ::1; };
            listen-on { my.server.ip; };
            allow-recursion {; ::1; };
    So, why i needed to change listen-on to make it work (if it's the default configuration) ?
    I mean, if Bind was using another file before that thing happen.

    And if forgot to mention a weird issue, when the problem happened, one of my domain has been removed from the DNS list on ispconfig.. (the one with the named error : named[2738]: error (unexpected RCODE SERVFAIL)...).

    lsof -Pni :53 return :

    named   25262 bind   20u  IPv4 5151971      0t0  TCP my.ip.address:53 (LISTEN)
    named   25262 bind   21u  IPv6 5151973      0t0  TCP [::1]:53 (LISTEN)
    named   25262 bind  512u  IPv4 5151970      0t0  UDP my.ip.address:53
    named   25262 bind  513u  IPv6 5151972      0t0  UDP [::1]:53
    And Monit is longer able to monitor Bind for some reasons :
    failed protocol test [DNS] at INET[localhost:53] via UDP -- DNS: error receiving response -- Connection refused
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2013

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