CentOS 6.5 x86_64 dovecot Config Error Kills Squirrelmail with Connection Dropped

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Elbonian, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. Elbonian

    Elbonian New Member

    I bought myself a new server for Christmas. CentOS 6.5 x86_64, ISPConfig, and followed the instructions for Apache2 and dovecot. It mostly went well, but I discovered an extremely frustrating error with dovecot. The dovecot configuration files are now located in the /etc/dovecot directory. This was a problem for the (presumably) ISPConfig generated dovecot configuration files because the generated config said:
    passdb {
      args = /etc/dovecot-sql.conf
      driver = sql
    userdb {
      args = /etc/dovecot-sql.conf
      driver = sql
    And the correct configuration is supposed to be:
    passdb {
      args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf
      driver = sql
    userdb {
      args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf
      driver = sql
    The symptom presented was that I could get to the Squirrelmail login page, and I could run the Squirrelmail configuration test (it was declared to be OK), but when I tried to log in the browser hung for a long time and then presented this error:
    ERROR : Connection dropped by imap-server.
    That is, unfortunately, an extremely generic error and means that virtually anything can be wrong with your configuration. A tcpdump of port 143 convinced me that it was login related and chasing down how dovecot authenticates logins led me to the above-described mess. :mad:

    I'm not sure if this error was reported before as I could not figure out how to search just this forum as opposed to searching the whole site with the search box in the upper right corner. But I sure got bit by this one!
  2. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    Have you checked /var/log/mail.log on mailserver?
  3. Elbonian

    Elbonian New Member

    SOLVED (But Not With Your Suggestion)

    Of course. There was nothing useful there. (I only have the one server.)

    FYI, the original post was a report of the SOLUTION, hopefully for the benefit of any other folks who might run into this same issue.

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