Replace additional PHP version

Discussion in 'General' started by menak, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. menak

    menak New Member

    PHP 5.4.23 is installed as an additional PHP version for the customers to select. After updating PHP to 5.4.24 I would like to change the PHP version for all customers formerly using 5.4.23. My first idea was to alter the configuration of 5.4.23 in the "System"->"Additional PHP versions" module. But that doesn't work the way I expected. The customers still are assigned to 5.4.23.

    Is there any way to update all customers who selected a specific version to a new PHP version?

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2014
  2. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    That should be possible. You'll have to wait till a staff of ISPConfig could answer your question.

    On the other hand, I wouldn't delete the old version it's maybe need by some Apps. A few days ago I was like to install some script and couldn't because my PHP version was to "young"! And that means that there still a lot apps out in the wild which working with different PHP version as the installed!
  3. menak

    menak New Member

    Well it's not that I want to change the default version, but rather the "cutting edge" version of a series. And I wouldn't replace a version by a new series, e.g. replace 5.3.x with 5.4.x. :)
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2014
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Instead of chnanging it in ispconfig, you should consider to change your additional php setup. Just an idea, have not tested it yet:

    e.g. you have php-5.5.7 compiled in this folder:


    now create a symlink for the php version series like this:

    /opt/php-5.5 => /opt/php-5.5.7

    in ispconfig you refer with all settings to the symlinked path. If you want to switch to a new version, then all you have to do is to change the symlink to the new php version and restart php fpm and apache.

    Regarding your current setup, when you change the paths of the php additional version in ispconfig under system > additional php versions, then you should be able to apply them to all websites with the tools > resync tool, you can try it first for one website, change the php paths under system, then edit the settings of a website, edit a value e.g. quota and press save. The new php version should be running in that site after 1-2 minutes. If that worked, use the resync tool to apply it to all sites.
  5. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    I do it this way:
    I install php 5.4.X in /usr/bin/php54 with ini in /etc/php54/cgi/
    So I don't have to change any paths in config on update, I just change the description of the additional php version inside ISPConfig.
  6. menak

    menak New Member

    Thank ppl!

    Since ATM only a couple of customers are using non-default PHP versions I'll go for the symlink idea of Till.

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