Hello! Finally I signed up, since the howtos here helped me alot! I want to "edit" the source ip of my outgoing dns traffic(packets): Client (IP: -> My DNS Server ( -> External DNS Server ( DNS Packet (source ip -> My Server (magic happens) -> External DNS (source ip So the client requests a domain from my dns server, here I want to forward the request to an external server, which checks the source ip of the request to give access. So I need to manipulate the DNS Packet to have the DNS Servers IP ( as Source IP... I found the following: http://www.blissend.com/node/7 I have bind running, which will forward the requests to the other dns server, now I only need to edit the outgoing traffic on udp/tcp 53 to have the source ip of the server, right? How can i realize this with iptables? Thank in advance!
Hi Just a quick answer: It's not possible on my virtual server (using openvz) So I thought I'm unable to follow some instructions, in fact it's not supported.. So the above howto is a good one for anyone having the same question! //close