Reseller on all servers

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by pchott, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. pchott

    pchott New Member

    Hi guys,

    how can configure ISPconfig that resellers would be able to access all avaible web and mail server and not just "Default one"??

  2. pchott

    pchott New Member

    More info

    Just little more info:

    we are preparing for resellers that the would be able to use more than one server for reselling our services. We want that they would be able to manage all from one account and NOT as workaround to have account for each server.:confused:
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This is implemented in our git master and will be available in the next major release ISPConfig 3.0.6
  4. pchott

    pchott New Member

    Great to hear that. When is planed to be released? Lately releases go slow :(

    Is there any prerelease package?
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, because we improved ispconfig that much. take a look at the git server, you will see how active the development is.

    The next release will be, it is the last patch release for the ispconfig 3.0.5 series. the next major release then is 3.0.6. We have not set any release date for 3.0.6 yet.

    you can download test releases at any time from our git server. But be aware that its dev software, so it might work when you download it on one day and the next day its broken and gets fixed a few days later again.
  6. pchott

    pchott New Member

    Hi Till,

    thank you very much for in info. Keep on good job. ISPconfig is really first useful opensource server mange system.

    Could you give me link to GIT and I would try to be useful to be tester.

  7. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

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