Linux LiveCDs

Discussion in 'Technical' started by xtothez, Apr 20, 2005.

  1. xtothez

    xtothez New Member


    I heard of those Linux LiveCDs. Does anyone have a list of available LiveCDs, and which one is the best / should I use?

  2. tylerdurden

    tylerdurden New Member

  3. jimmyjames

    jimmyjames New Member

  4. tommyboy

    tommyboy New Member

  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  6. xtothez

    xtothez New Member

    Wow, lots of distros... Is there something like a "Swiss army knife", i.e., a live CD, that does whatever I need it to do (act as a rescue CD, start a full blown desktop when I want ot test Linux on new hardware, etc.)?

  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Well, I'd recommend Knoppix, though I don't know each of the other live CDs... :eek:
  8. garenasix

    garenasix New Member

    Back/Track is a kickass Swiss army knife
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2006
  9. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    If you want to use Linux as a desktop system then you may want to try the Ubuntu Live CD.

    Even cooler is that you can order for free the CDs home. Take about 2 weeks or something like that, depending on where you live.
  10. garenasix

    garenasix New Member

    ubuntu's live cd is nice for a first time user as a desktop and an idea of linux and to see if all works good on ya PC befor installing ubuntu.. but if you realy want that "Swiss army knife" in a live CD back/track is the distro for that

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