Post inet_addr_local error

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by tcsmith001, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. tcsmith001

    tcsmith001 New Member

    I seem to be getting a few errors of this nature in my postfix mail.err logs:

    fatal: inet_addr_local[getifaddrs]: getifaddrs: Cannot allocate memory
    I am still able to send and receive mails but I am curious as to what this means and where I can look in order to diagnose any potential problems.

    Apologies for the vagueness of the question!
  2. srijan

    srijan New Member HowtoForge Supporter


    Can you please paste the values of
  3. tcsmith001

    tcsmith001 New Member

           uid  resource                     held              maxheld              barrier                limit              failcnt
         5278:  kmemsize                 16518821             17817600             33554432             33554432                    0
                lockedpages                     0                    0                  256                  256                    0
                privvmpages                177407               180362               524288               524288                    0
                shmpages                     1223                 1223                21504                21504                    0
                dummy                           0                    0  9223372036854775807  9223372036854775807                    0
                numproc                       152                  189                  240                  240                    0
                physpages                  101627               106200               524288               524288                    0
                vmguarpages                     0                    0               327680               327680                    0
                oomguarpages                69416                71819                26112           2147483647                    0
                numtcpsock                     64                   65                  160                  160                25379
                numflock                       12                   15                  188                  206                    0
                numpty                          1                    1                   16                   16                    0
                numsiginfo                      1                   36                  256                  256                    0
                tcpsndbuf                  948504               970600              6291016              6291016                    0
                tcprcvbuf                 1047832              1060912              8388608              8388608                    0
                othersockbuf               610752               619208              8388608              8388608                    0
                dgramrcvbuf                     0                 2312              8388608              8388608                    0
                numothersock                  338                  340                  360                  360                37595
                dcachesize                4193961              4194288              4194304              4194304                    0
                numfile                      4215                 4360                 9312                 9312                    0
                dummy                           0                    0  9223372036854775807  9223372036854775807                    0
                dummy                           0                    0  9223372036854775807  9223372036854775807                    0
                dummy                           0                    0  9223372036854775807  9223372036854775807                    0
                numiptent                      47                   47                  128                  128                    0
    Thanks for looking into this!
  4. srijan

    srijan New Member HowtoForge Supporter


    Please raise the limits for

    for that VM on the OpenVZ host.

  5. tcsmith001

    tcsmith001 New Member

    This is actually a VM with EasySpace. Is this something they have to do or is it something I can set? (Am thinking the former sadly!) I guess these are limits to the VM so that it doesn't affect the users on the same server?
  6. srijan

    srijan New Member HowtoForge Supporter


    In this case I will suggest to contact EasySpace further.

  7. tcsmith001

    tcsmith001 New Member

    Thanks Srijan,

    Will have a chat with EasySpace.

    Would you be able to elaborate on these figures so that I have a basic understanding of them. Always good to expands your knowledge if you get the chance.

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