Group-Office Integration

Discussion in 'General' started by FeraTechInc, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. FeraTechInc

    FeraTechInc Member HowtoForge Supporter

    First of all if you have not tried Group-Office you really need to:
    login: demo

    It's amazing. I have it configured to work with IMAP authentication. It works exactly like squirrel mail but it's a VERY easy sell to my clients.

    It's easier to use than outlook and they don't have to pay for anything.

    It's amazing....

    However, I am having 1 issue. I can't get it to connect to the database as a regular user. I can only connect as the root user.

    I was wondering if anybody else has come across this issue.

    I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 Perfect Server w/ ISPConfig

    Also, are there plans for better GroupOffice integration? It's truly an amazing project.
  2. jmituzas

    jmituzas New Member

    I think that I may have found a solution that may work, it appears with group-office you can use IMAP to authenticate its users instead of LDAP.

    group-ware can also be integrated to be used with owncloud as well. Would be nice if I could integrate owncloud users with my ISPCONFIG users as well. (May find some help in these forums)
  3. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    Group office looks nice.
  4. Horfic

    Horfic Member

    For groupoffice we developed this ispconfig 3 bridge

    - generates IMAP users on ISPconfig3 depending on chosen domain
    - assigns groups according to domains chosen when registering
    - allows GO user to change password, vacation message, mail forward in ISPconfig3

    Owncloud 6
    User this plugin.

    It was based on the original one from the groupoffice company, but heavily modified to support much more, like shared folders etc.

    If you want to have any custom changes, this would be possible, as the above integrations where custom made for one company which are using them for over 4 years.

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