ISPConfig_Clean Theme Updated

Discussion in 'Tips/Tricks/Mods' started by dclardy, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. vol4

    vol4 New Member

    I'm use chrome v.33
  2. dclardy

    dclardy Member

  3. b1tg0d

    b1tg0d New Member

    Error vlibTemplate Error: Template (main.tpl.htm)

    I followed the instructions with the repo. But I get this error...

    vlibTemplate Error: Template (main.tpl.htm) file not found

    I've checked the paths and confirmed they are correct but I still get the error.

    I'm running CentOS 6.4 with ISPconfig if that helps.
  4. dclardy

    dclardy Member

    This theme works with on Debian. I am looking at it now. I don't think that the CentOS version would cause an issue.

    Are you sure that you installed it correctly? You have to copy and overwrite the files that are the same in the two interface folders.
  5. b1tg0d

    b1tg0d New Member

    I'm sure, first I changed the default directory names to:


    Then I uploaded the new theme directories and index.php

    Next I went to /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/
    renamed the to

    and then I uploaded a modified with these changes.

    //** Themes
    $conf['theme'] = 'ispc-clean';
    $conf['html_content_encoding'] = 'utf-8'; // example: utf-8, iso-8859-1, ...
    $conf['logo'] = 'themes/ispc-clean/images/header_logo.png';

    Finally I imported the ispc-clean.sql to the dbispconfig db through phpMyAdmin.

    I did manage to get the login page once I cleared cookies and hard refreshed my browser but after login I got the error mentioned previously.

    Thanks for your fast response. :)
  6. dclardy

    dclardy Member

    Alright. It looks like you went too far! I am only updating certain files in that directory, and I don't include all of the other ones in the theme. You need to put all the other files back like they were, and then just replace the files that are included in the folders. There are not that many.
  7. b1tg0d

    b1tg0d New Member

    Ahhh Ha! I'm such an idiot sometimes.. Sorry :)
  8. Clouseau

    Clouseau Member

    If I install this theme, will everything go ok when I do an upgrade to ISPconfig 3.1 which is the next upcoming release?
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This theme is not compatible with ISPConfig 3.1.
  10. Clouseau

    Clouseau Member

  11. mislav

    mislav Member

    I'm using ispc-theme already for a while and it seems like it's no longer working with the current, new version of ISPConfig released last week. I've tested on the clean installation of ISPConfig - it is working there, but on current servers it is not working. Theme is missing from dropdown menu in ispconfig itself and I just can't get it to work (I've also tried to drop tables/import them again, but no success).

    Any idea what to do/check?
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    update the version number in the ispconfig_version file of that theme to the version number of the currently installed ISPConfig version.
  13. richi

    richi New Member HowtoForge Supporter works exactly like Till says.
    You can find this file at "/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/themes/ispc-clean"...
  14. mislav

    mislav Member

    Cool, thanks!

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