Hello and once again, thanks for your work on this project. I have a server which should have been upgraded a long time ago and is now out of hand. There are websites on it, all configured with ISPC 2/Drupal, along with databases, email accounts and everything. From the info I gathered here and there, I understand that ISPC2 is not runable on Wheezy, and won't be supported anyway so I have to move on. There doesn't seem to be much information available, and I really could use some advice on the best way to set things up. Building a new server with Wheezy and ISPC 3 is no big deal, thanks to the great tutorial Falko wrote. Problem is with migration : I understand there is no upgrade path between ISPC2 and ISPC3 and never will be, but is there a way to move data (mean : database, mail accounts, and all logins) in a secure and exhaustive way between instances with different versions ? A bit of manual manipulation is not a problem, but redoing everything from the UI seems tedious. Any bit of info about this would be invaluable. Thanks in advance.
Wow. That's one helluva a news ! So I guess I'll postponed my migration process until then. Do you have any details about what it will be able to do ? Any page I could check ? Anyway, thank you so much for this. This tool will be a big big relief !
The script will do a complete server migration, from a old ispconfig 2 server to a new one with ispconfig 3. Just dns settings zones are not migrated at the moment. We will prepare a page with detailed information and a migration guide when the tool is finished.
Yay ! That's really really great. If I can help with testing or whatever, feel free to ask. I'm nowhere near your technical level, but well. Can't wait to see this thing working. Any date planned yet ?
No, but I expect it to be available in january. The tool is developed by a external company, so we will not be able to offer it for free as we have to pay license fees to the developers for each copy. But the price will be moderate
As far as the price is decent, which I don't doubt, count me in. Hope it won't be too high though, because it remains kind of a one shot tool. Mean : decent for a small business like mine .
I would also be VERY HAPPY to have such a script and also willing to support the development! Please let me know what I can do! all best dan
The migration script is neearly finished. We are currently doing some final tests and fix the last bugs.
any news on this? I am happy to make a donation to get this to work it would be amazing and a great help thx
The migration script is ready, just its release is a bit delaed due to the current beta release. It will be available soon on ispconfig.org.
Hi! I am also very interested in this script. How's the bug fixing working? Do you think you will release it soon? One more thing: is there any chance to use it (with easy modifications) to migrate ISPC 2 / Centos 5.10 to ISPC 3 on Centos 6.5? Thanks for the awesome job you're doing here.
Migration script Hey Till buddy! That would be so sweet! Let me know of any estimated release dates! Also let us know where it would be on the ispconfig.org website because they pretty much removed all Ispconfig 2 links including the howtoforge community link to here....this way we know where to look. I'm excited to learn how to create Ispconfig 3 add-on's and extensions & stuff too. I haven't gotten to play with 3 at all yet but can't wait! Heck if I get to the point where I have time to write any good one's I'll release them to your development team first & foremost. You guys have been so cool when I was starting out learning ispconfig 2 stuff back in the day that the ispconfig crew is like my gang ...for life hehe lolz Throw me a personal E-Mail sometime at [email protected] & just say this is Till from howtoforge when you get time. Or anyone else who likes troubleshooting IspConfig stuff shoot me a line. ALSO, if you need help TESTING the migration script I can image my server, or rather back it up & help you guys test & debug if needed from here if needed. I don't mind giving you root since you helped out so much way back when. I've got a few x86 32-bit Debian servers & a few HP Proliant business class ML370 G5 64-bit servers running Ubuntu that aren't even in production environments yet....puting them on the superspeed internet 1Gigabit a second up/down speed connections they have here now in Kansas City. First city in the USA to get that luckily. Woulda had them up on ispconfig 3 already actually but google was being a crybaby about giving out service in commercially zoned area's so I rented a warehouse that's zoned right on the edge in a residential zone...then they were crying about giving static ip's to residential for superspeed fiber.. got around that but that's another story. Anyhow, this is the best news I've heard all year! Good luck on the development. I'm excited to check it out & don't hesitate to let me know if I can help. Respect to the ISPConfig development crew! kextra1/khayjake
We used the script already for some server migrations for our support clients and it is working fine. Beside ispconfig 2 to 3 migrations, the script supports now also confixx to ispconfig 3 migration and we are working on ispconfig 3 to 3 (move ispconfig 3 install to a new server or import a ispconfig 3 installinto another server) and plesk to ispconfig 3 support. If someone is The reason that its not publisehd yet is just a problem with the store part of our new ispconfig website, but I'am working on the issue now and we have to write a bit documentation and instructions how to use it. So the script will get released soon. If someone is interested in getting the migration as support service instead of buying the script, then please contact me here http://support.projektfarm.com to get a quote. The migration support service is available already. It will be listed in the Add-Ons section and the store
Migration Script Since I had a few hours today to edit the sources.list of my hardy to get some newer packages installed I guess it´ll become finally necessary to upgrade that machine. I pulled this always back since there was no migration path getting the Ispconfig2 data transfered into Ispconfig3. The machine with wheezy and Ispconfig3 as target is already up and running and waiting to be filled. Unfortenatly I have at least 30 "difficult" mailboxes and about 15 userlogins that are productive - and from their level of skill not even able to change the pop3 password within their Outlook or accounts in Filezilla - that´s why I consider them "difficult". So ideally I want to upgrade by transferring all the data to the prepared machine, change DNS-records after testing and these user should see no difference. Unfortenately I still wasn´t able to find any notice within the ispconfig.org shop page - so is there any news or date to expect it there?