Every email is a virus

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by JosephDesign, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. JosephDesign

    JosephDesign New Member


    Ive installed ISPconfig a while ago, but since the heartbleed mess and then apt-get update, in once, all emails are seen as a virus.

    Could give you a list of thousands, but, Mail Queue:

    Mail Log:
    Stupid thing though, I sended an email out yesterday @ 18:16. It was finally deliverd tonight @ 4:35

    So, eventually some emails are getting trough, but not all.

    How to fix? (or better, How to forge?)
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The above errors do not mean that emails are detected as viruses, they just indicate that your virus scanner is not working at the moment so the emails wait to be delivered.

    So the issue is that your clamav daemon is not running. restart clamd, then requeue the waiting mail files with:

    postqueue -f
  3. JosephDesign

    JosephDesign New Member

    Can't reboot ClamAV apparently, gives me a FAIL.
    Did already freshclam, that worked eventually after stopping it and then restarting it.

    So, I can't start the clamav deamon, when I try:
    So, what to do? If it ain't starting, how can I ever requeue the emails. It has no sence in that case :(
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Check the clamav log file to find out why clamav cant start. then we fix that issue and your mail system will work again.
  5. JosephDesign

    JosephDesign New Member

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