Hi, I already have an ISPConfig setup working great. Server 1: ISPConfig Panel, Web, FTP, Mail. Server 2: Database. I'm trying a new setup: Server 1: ISPConfig Panel. Server 2: Web, FTP, Mail. Server 3: Database (but is irrelevant for this thread). Server 1: Server 2: The issue is that when i create a client or website with ISPConfig (Server 1), the information is not replicated to Server 2 (no "clients" in /var/www/). Seems Server 1 can't reach Server 2 to apply those changes. Database replication is working fine, same data on both servers. I changed "Loglevel" to "debug", but i can't find information/issues related to file replication. Extra question: what is "File"? FTP? If i set Server 1 to handle "Web" and i create a new site on Server 1, /var/www/clients/ & /var/www/domainXXX are created succesfully on Server 1. Creating site on Server 2, does nothing with those directories. Any ideas? Thanks for the help, Greetings.
plaese note that the creation of a client never triggers a action on a slave server. The directores get created when you add the first website for that client. Wrong direction. the master never tries to reach a slave server. the slaves poll changes from master. change log level to debug and then run the server.sh script on the slave as described in the debug instructions. yes.
I disabled the server.sh cronjob with "crontab -e" and executed "/usr/local/ispconfig/server/server.sh" on Server 2: Create Site - Info /cat/passwd Create Site on Server 1: new entry = web8:x:503:504::/var/www/clients/client4/web8:/bin/false Create Site on Server 2: no new entry Config from Server 2 DB - "dbispconfig > server"
I found the problem: during the expert mode installation, wizard says: The hint made me make the mistake. I was answering "no". After choosing "yes", all seems to work fine. Thanks!