Kudos to ISPConfig3 and Thank-you

Discussion in 'General' started by skinnypete, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. skinnypete

    skinnypete New Member

    To all you folks that have worked on developing ISPConfig3....well done! This control panel was exactly what we were looking for! Give yourselves a pat-on-the-back for a job well done! Thank-you all! :D
    (Wasn't sure were to post this)
  2. srijan

    srijan New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    On behalf of ISPConfig config team, we are happy that ISPConfig fulfills your requirements, & always there to assist you. :)
  3. skinnypete

    skinnypete New Member


    Now let's go eat some fish! :eek:

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