spamassassin not working on one mailbox

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by flameproof, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. flameproof

    flameproof Member

    [Solved] spamassassin not working on one mailbox

    I have a little VPS with a few domains. On one domain, and only on one mailbox spamassassin 3.3.1 is not working (since yesterday, last few years no problem). All other mailboxes in that domain work fine. The only X header I get in that mailbox is the "X-Original-To:"

    The container runs CentOS 5.2. Maybe I should add that the VPS has only 286Mb RAM.

    How can I get close to that problem?

    Worst is, this is a very old mailbox and with no protection I get about 300 SPAM a day.

    Found the issue. It was related to resources. Some files in the /home/ directory were above Mb. After deleting them (backup first) it works fine again.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2014
  2. srijan

    srijan New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thanks for the update, so we can consider the thread as closed. :)
  3. flameproof

    flameproof Member

    Yes it's closed. I was looking for a delete function but didn't see one. But maybe it can help another poor soul with a similar problem. Without spamassassin I got something like 300 SPAM a day. What a relieve it's working again!

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