Services not started at boot using Perfect server for Wheezy

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Numerizen, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Numerizen

    Numerizen Member


    I set up a server using this :

    It works fine, except some services are not started when the server reboots.

    It may happen from time to time as it is a VPS, for example when the hosting provider makes maintenance operations.

    The services are, as far as I can tell :

    - cron
    - clamav-daemon
    - amavis

    ... and it leads postfix to malfunction, ending up with a cluttered mailqueue.

    Starting the correct services and running postqueue -f correctly sends the emails afterwards, but it's of course not satisfying.

    I know they are somehow inter-dependant, so am not too sure how to ensure they'll start OK on next reboot.

    Tests are limited as it is a production server.
  2. srijan

    srijan New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Add the services in boot using

    and similarly add other services
  3. Numerizen

    Numerizen Member

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