deleted stats directory, now get error 403

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by bobpit, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. bobpit

    bobpit Member


    I use AWSTATS and I accidentally deleted the STATS directory of one of my sites, on the VPS. I did recreate it (/var/www/clients/client1/web3/web/stats). From FTP client I see some file to be there. But when I try to access them from the browser ( I get error 403 : You are not permited to access the requested url.
  2. srijan

    srijan New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Check the permissions and ownership of the newly created stats directory
  3. bobpit

    bobpit Member


    The permissions of the STATS directory are 755 which is ok. The ownership was wrongly set to root/root. I did change it to be the appropriate one: web3/client1. However I still get error 403.

    I noticed that the problematic directory is missing the file *.htpasswd_stats, and still it asks me for a password when I try to access it.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Set the stats password again in ispconfig.
  5. bobpit

    bobpit Member

    perfect! Works now.

    Thank you Till

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