I whant to add webmail to my domains like this : http://www.xpto.aa/webmail . I created a new dir /var/www/webmail, copy all the files from webmail in ispconfig dir, and added this line to apache2.conf: Alias /webmail "/var/www/webmail" I get the login page but when I login I get an error "Permission denied" for the file config.inc.php. I don't know mutch about linux, and I can't get this to work. Sow I made a copy of the config.inc.php to /var/www and changed msglist.php. Now it's working but I don't know if this is the better way or this can have security problems. Is any way I can run the original config.inc.php ? Agostinho Moreira
Why not just install (within ISPconfig) one of the 2 ready made webmail Add-ons? (1) - UebiMiau Webmail (add-on link: http://www.ispconfig.org/downloads/webmail.pkg_ (2) - Roundcube Webmail (add-on link: http://www.ispconfig.org/downloads/RoundCube.pkg) Make sure you read the info about the Roundcube webmail!: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2081&page=2 More info about the downloads/add-ons @ http://www.ispconfig.org/downloads.htm To install, login on ISPconfig, and go to "Management" > "Update" and select "URL" , and use any of the 2 webmail add-ons you like and click on [install] After that go to (still in ISPconfig) "Tools", and click on the installed add-ons to open the link to the webmail interface.
I have UebiMiau instaled but all my constumers have to acess it by https://myserver.serverdomain.aa:81/webmail, and I whant to use http://www.anydomain.aa/webmail.
Then you will have to add either a apache rewrite rule to rewrite the URL http://www.anydomain.aa/webmail to https://myserver.serverdomain.aa:81/webmail or you use a html file with a header redirect.
If you read my first post, it is working. I just whant to know if this is not a problem because I made a copy of config.inc.php file. Agostinho Moreira
Do you mean ISPConfig's config.inc.php (in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib)? You'd have to change the permissions to 644 instead of 600, but then everyone can read the file, and it contains the MySQL root password. So don't do this!