I've made this cron job: /usr/bin/php /var/www/clients/client1/web2/web/cli/akeeba-backup.php And I can see that it runs in the logs but the file I want to run doesn't seem to be executing. Is there something wrong with my command or is there some way I can see if it actually runs the file?
Ensure that you enabled "full cron" in client settings f the client that owns this website in ispconfig. then delete the cronjob and create it again. if the crnjob is not fullcron, then everything is executed in the jal and this jail does not include a php binary, so your cron wont work with a jailed cronjob.
Yes now it worked better. One thing I noticed after I added this command line cron job is that some new folders was created in the website account. At the same level as the web folder the folders var and tmp was created. The var folder contains a run folder with a mysqld folder and a file which only says welcome to mydomainname.com Is this normal?
The same issue with new folders. lib64, dev, etc, var was created in the home website catalog. Its normal ? they was created after cronjob added
Yes, that's normal and they must get created for any jailed cronjob or jailed SSH user. Please do not double post the same question in multiple posts. Especially as this has been answered and explained many times already in the forum.