Duplicate and modify Email Module ?

Discussion in 'Developers' Forum' started by Sparadrus, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. Sparadrus

    Sparadrus New Member

    Hello, in first excuse me for my english...

    I duplicate the mail module to a new "mailclient" module.

    The objectif is create a light version of this modules for the simple user to manager they email boxes, with just responders, spams management... and without quota and others fields...

    I duplicate the folder /web/mail in /web/mailclient,
    adjust path to php file in module.conf.php ,
    grant access to the module for the client

    but if i don't allow access to mail module i cannot access to this module copy....

    Have you any idea please for allow acces to this module copy and dissalow access to the original mail module?

    Thanks a lot
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Most files of the module containsa check if the mail module is active. You have to change that code in all your copied files to do the check against your new module name.
  3. Sparadrus

    Sparadrus New Member

    Thanks !

    Ok thanks with your advice i found this line

    and change to
    [63 entry]

    It works.

    Also, i think found a bug in mail module :

    The first page normally loaded into mail module is Domain email, and a simple user with NO right to manage domains email, SEE this content after login.
    Anyway, no link "Domain Email" appears in the left navbar.

    Also, i change the start page into /mail/modules.conf.php

    $module['startpage'] = 'mail/mail_domain_list.php';
    $module['startpage'] = 'mailclient/mail_user_list.php';

    I hope this helps isp users...
    Thanks for your fast reply and thanks for this GREAT panel !
    Voila :) I closed the post.
    Regard from France,
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    In a normal ispconfig setup, a user which dont have at least one domain has access to the domain module as you want enable it for a user which may not use email at all.

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