Roundcube out of order after dist-upgrade of ispConfig3-Server

Discussion in 'Plugins/Modules/Addons' started by AceLine, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. AceLine

    AceLine New Member

    Hi Floks,
    Hi Falko,
    Hi Till,

    I just made a dist-upgrade to Wheezy 3 some days before. Now i recognized a big problem with Roundcube Webmail Client...

    On calling the roundcube site I only get the PHP-Code to see on the website. I installed roundcube webmail by one of your perfect howtos (don't remember exactely which it was) and don't know now, how to uninstall it for a new installation...

    How could I go on and what would be the first steps to solve this problem?

    Thank you so much for your answere,

    Br. Ingmar
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Edit the roundcubemail apache config file and add:

    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

    inside of the >Directory /usr/share/roundcube.......... > directive. And ensure that php is on:

    a2enmod php5

    then restart apache.
  3. AceLine

    AceLine New Member

    Thank you so much for your help, I found the roundcube.conf in the folder /etc/apache2/sites-available and added the php-Type there. Now it works again.

    Br. Ingmar
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2014

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