Firstly I would like to thank the developers for a great bit of kit. I have been using it for several years and always found the answers I needed on these forums up until now. My latest migration from CentOS 6 to CentOS 7 has hit a problem I have not seen before. All is well except the ownership of the /var/www/clients/client1/web folders and files has changed on some but not all of the vhosts. For example /var/www/clients/client1/web5 is now owned by Group/Owner web17 client1 This has happened on maybe 10 of 120 websites. How can I change the ownership back to what it should be. I have checked the database and the ID's are correct there. I copied the websites over by: tar -pczf www.backup.gz www/ and unpacked them using: tar xvfz www.backup.gz which has worked many times in the past. Any help in showing me how to change the ownership back would be greatly appreciated. I can ftp into the websites but it will not show and files. When I ssh I can see all the files but they show the ownerships are wrong. Thank you. Paul
Hi, thanks for your reply. Normally I would Download files : etc/group etc/passwd etc/shadow then upload them again. But that did not work this time, I can't remember what happened. But you are correct ISPConfig has jumbled the order when I resync'd : "web1,web2,web18,web3,web17,web4,web5,web16,web6,web7,web8,web23,web9,web10,web22,web11,web12,web21" So my next question is, do I need to copy all websites manually or can I simply tar them and resync now I have sorted out my etc/group file ? Regards Paul
Hi Till thanks for your input. We have movement in the right direction, I can now connect through ftp and see the files. All ownerships are correct. Unfortunately I can no longer view any of the websites in a browser after the resync. What do I need to change ? Regards Paul
Hi guys, Scrap that, it took 20 minutes but the websites are working again. Much appreciated for all your help. Paul