Seafile setup

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by onastvar, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. onastvar

    onastvar Member

  2. onastvar

    onastvar Member

    I figured how to setup SEAFILE, what's the best way to uninstall?
  3. Rescue9

    Rescue9 Member

    If you setup Seafile according to the HOWTO I wrote, then the best way to uninstall would essentially be following the procedure in reverse, but delete the directory last.
    1. Remove all cron jobs related to Seafile from ISPConfig panel.
    2. Remove "Apache Setup" information from apache.conf
    3. Leave all Python packages unless you've verified that they are no longer in use by additional software.
    4. Remove the databases from ISPConfig panel.
    5. Remove the shell user from ISPConfig panel.
    6. Remove the web domain from ISPConfig panel.
    7. Verify that the Seafile install directory is removed when ISPConfig processes the web domain removal.
    This should be it.

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