DNS records from master to slave server are not transfered. Here are lines from mine /var/log/messages file: Jul 6 21:31:39 luke named[3827]: zone example.com/IN: Transfer started. Jul 6 21:31:39 luke named[3827]: transfer of 'example.com/IN' from 111.222.333.444#53: connected using Jul 6 21:31:39 luke named[3827]: dumping master file: slaves/tmp-QmJSyN6yDU: open: file not found Jul 6 21:31:39 luke named[3827]: transfer of 'example.com/IN' from 111.222.333.444#53: failed while receiving responses: file not found Jul 6 21:31:39 luke named[3827]: transfer of 'example.com/IN' from 111.222.333.444#53: end of transfer Anyone has a solution? Thanks, Dejan
Here is another line from my messages file: Jul 6 22:35:21 luke named[5964]: example.com/IN: zone transfer deferred due to quota Dejan
Please check that you have enough diskspace in /etc and /var and that you dont have quota restrictions on your named user and group.
Well, looking at this posting it appears that its a year old, I am having the same problem and cannot find any other exact references besides this one. Unfortunately no one posted a reply with a fix. Was the problem ever resolved? and if so, how???
Do you use ISPConfig? Is port 53 (TCP and UDP) open on the master? What are the exact error messages from the master and slave?
The master in this case is a Windows 2003 Standard Server, I can only assume that its listening on port 53. I am not using ISP-Config but I am using Helm, another control panel. Could this be the problem? If so how can it be overcome? This is what the Fedora box says: Jun 13 16:24:50 pythagoras named[22157]: dumping master file: slaves/tmp-7gb7AU3I8Z: open: file not found Jun 13 16:24:50 pythagoras named[22157]: transfer of 'steasp.com/IN' from failed while receiving responses: file not found Jun 13 16:24:50 pythagoras named[22157]: transfer of 'steasp.com/IN' from end of transfer Jun 13 16:37:32 pythagoras named[22157]: zone advonlserv.com/IN: Transfer started. Jun 13 16:37:32 pythagoras named[22157]: transfer of 'advonlserv.com/IN' from connected using Jun 13 16:37:32 pythagoras named[22157]: dumping master file: /var/named/chroot/var/named/slaves/tmp-ydFjZGhILC: open: file not found Jun 13 16:37:32 pythagoras named[22157]: transfer of 'advonlserv.com/IN' from failed while receiving responses: file not found Jun 13 16:37:32 pythagoras named[22157]: transfer of 'advonlserv.com/IN' from end of transfer Jun 13 16:49:57 pythagoras named[22157]: zone 77.102.82.in-addr.arpa/IN: Transfer started. Jun 13 16:49:57 pythagoras named[22157]: transfer of '77.102.82.in-addr.arpa/IN' from connected using Jun 13 16:49:57 pythagoras named[22157]: dumping master file: slaves/tmp-w5dALpQV5P: open: file not found Jun 13 16:49:57 pythagoras named[22157]: transfer of '77.102.82.in-addr.arpa/IN' from failed while receiving responses: file not found Jun 13 16:49:57 pythagoras named[22157]: transfer of '77.102.82.in-addr.arpa/IN' from end of transfer Good Luck Greg
Does the directory /var/named/chroot/var/named/slaves exist? If so, what's the output of Code: ls -la /var/named/chroot/var/named/ ?