New ISPconfig 3 debian wheezy setup; cannot login with admin

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Stown, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. Stown

    Stown Member

    Hi All,
    I have a new ISPconfig 3 setup on my debian wheezy VPS setup.
    Now the install went great, made dbispconfig database et cetera.
    I cannot log in with the https://IP:8080/ on admin:admin..
    I tried to change the admin through mysql console, it says successfully changed 1 record but i still cannot log in..
    I looked at /var/log/ispconfig
    tail auth.log is empty
    tail ispconfig.log is empty..
    I tried safari, chrome et cetera. but the problem is not client side.
    And it can connect through mysql because the install went fine, made the tables..
    Has anyone some tips for me?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Most likely ispconfig is not able to login to mysql. Get the ispconfig mysql password from /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/ file and test if it works.
  3. Stown

    Stown Member

    Hi Till,

    I looked at the php file and used the password for user ispconfig on local config setup and tried to login with:
    mysql -u ispconfig -p
    and the password from the file.
    I became logged in.. it worked..

    Any suggestions?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer


    mysql -h localhost -u ispconfig -p
  5. Stown

    Stown Member

    it works.. and use dbispconfig; also so it has db rights;
  6. Stown

    Stown Member

    I mean i tried you suggestion and that works, not the logging in process.
  7. Stown

    Stown Member

  8. Stown

    Stown Member

    I solved it. problem with caching in the browser in chrome probably. But i updated ISPconfig to the GIT develop repo and now it works in forefox.

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