The ispconfig 3 firewall is disabled by default. If you enabled it, you can simply disable it by deleting the firewall record in the firewall list.
Hello ans sorry for the "res" but i would like to know if the firewall can be disabled from the command line (ssh) somehow, without accessing in the web panel.
hi, i changed the firewall ports via the web client (ispconfig control panel) and now nothing is working. Ive tried to change the bastille.cfg file but blocks all the ports again once the server is 100% up. How do i change this via command line to undo my changes?
ISPConfig is just writing the bastille-firewall.cfg config script, so you can undo or change that by editing this script. If you dont want to start bastille firewall at all, then remove the service from being started at boot time. The firewall is started by your os, not by ispconfig.