All vhost changes writing into .err

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by GAMELASTER, Oct 7, 2015.


    GAMELASTER New Member

    I have Debian 7 with newest ISPConfig3. Any changes what i do, its writes into (name of website).conf.err . When i delete the blank (name of website).conf and rename .err to nothing and restart apache, apache restart without errors and run correctly, so i dont know why its renaming to .error when its none error. How to fix it? Thanks
  2. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    You should see the error-reason in the interface.

    GAMELASTER New Member

    Thanks for reply, in the interface? I check sys logs etc. but i dont found anything where has been problem, and mainly, when .err works without any troubkles
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    A .err file means that apache did not restart with that config at the time the config was written. A blank name means that the website has no domain?

    GAMELASTER New Member

    Well, i maybe bad writed a situation. I write ALL:
    1. Im going to create site
    2. When i create it, domain still showing a default page of Apache2 (of course)
    3. When i look a directory with vhosts, i have, where is writed is some problem on original conf, what is renamed to .err
    4. For make it works, i just delete and rename to, restart apache2 and its works! Without any errors or warnings
    So its interesting, apache2 dont writing any error to logs, i checked that, so i dont know why ISPConfig or what marking a GOOD vhost conf as conf with error?

  6. wash34

    wash34 New Member


    I have the same probleme. After fresh install (perfect server) all my website have xxx.vhost and xxx.vhost.err.
    I understand that .vhost.err are create when error is inside but if i rename xxx.vhost.err to xxx.vhost apache start perfectly.

    The second problem is that all website display the same folder (folder for the first website). I check all vhost everithing is ok but it doesn't work. If i remove the first website i have a forbiden error on all other website. After a reboot all website display again the same folder (folder for the second website).

    GAMELASTER likes this.

    GAMELASTER New Member

    That second problem i dont have, only the first. Its interesting...
  8. wash34

    wash34 New Member

    I try with perfect server and with the install script ... same for both. I'll try with another version (maybe p8 is bugged)
    I use a thin client for this install, maybe the hardware ...
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is no such bug in p8, it works fine in several hundred thousand servers. How much ram does your server has, min. Is 1gb, recommended are 2gb for a full installation.

    GAMELASTER New Member

    Me or he? I have 1GB RAM + 1GB SSD SWAP.
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    And you might want to read the first sticky post in this forum, it describes how to debug issues when ispconfig can not write changes to disk. As I wrote above, an error file gets crated when apache did not restart properly, this can be caused by an error in the vhost file or by a global server error so it affects all vhost like in your case. BTW, I installed ispconfig for a client today on Debian 8 and everything works fine on that system.
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    @GAMELASTER: how did you install ispconfig? With the perfect server guide or an third party autoinstaller? One of the third party autoinstaller has a bug which installs systemd on Debian 7, but Debian 7 uses init scripts. In case you have the systemd package installed on Debian 7, then uninstall it with apt.

    GAMELASTER New Member

  14. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    apt-get remove systemd

    On Debian 7. Don't run this on Debian 8 systems.

    GAMELASTER New Member

    YEsss! Its works okay! Thank you
  16. wash34

    wash34 New Member

    What is "system package" ?
    For one test i try third party autoinstaller and one with perfect server debian 7 with apache
  17. wash34

    wash34 New Member

    Is is systemd ?
    I'll try it right now ! thanks
  18. wash34

    wash34 New Member

    apt-get remove systemd
    Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
    Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
    Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
    Le paquet « systemd » n'est pas installé, et ne peut donc être supprimé
    0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
  19. diablo666

    diablo666 Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Added the fix to the script, but strange, i've used lot of time and alla worked fine...
    Thank you anyway.
    till likes this.
  20. vsinyakov

    vsinyakov New Member

    I have the same problem.

    Is the last version of the ISPConfig works on Debian 8?

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