Cannot get redirect working

Discussion in 'General' started by beanbag, Oct 20, 2015.

  1. beanbag

    beanbag New Member

    I have read through several of the threads regarding redirects, but have been unable to get redirect working in my environment. I have the ispconfig instance set as primary dns for a domain, lets say I have a site created (though there is no content in the site), and on the domain's configuration page I go to the redirect tab and have entered http :// (another site hosted elsewhere) and have tried each flags option and a variety of combinations of flags and SEO Redirect options.

    From what I've seen in other threads and in a few how-to type posts around the web, it seems like I should use the R,L flags and the URL and be expect for requests to to get redirected to, but I just the the default 404 for my ispconfig instance. Could someone point me in the right direction?
  2. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    Your expectations sound correct. Make sure you don't have any typo's (eg. the space char in "http ://" above). Do you have the correct IP address selected for the website?
    beanbag likes this.
  3. beanbag

    beanbag New Member

    Thanks - I had to insert the space because the forum forbids links in your first post.
    I think you may have identified my foolish oversight. We do have two web hosts in our cluster, DNS is pointed toward #1, but the site is set to #2. I changed DNS, and am giving it a few minutes before I confirm.
  4. beanbag

    beanbag New Member

    Yup, that was it. Failed to double-check the basics. Thanks for the reminder.
    Jesse Norell likes this.

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