Dear all, before writing here, I tried a lot, but I have not found an answer... I have an Ubuntu 14.04 server with the latest version of ISPConfig 3 + Pure-FTPD + Jaillkit. The Users access via sftp to their web hosting and the login works correctly, however, each user sees (not write) the whole tree folder from root directory and not only his home web root. For example: /var/www/clients/client4/web88 and not only /web88 Someone had the same problem or know how to solve it? Thank you!
Just set a sub directory in his ftp set up page, for example: /var/www/clients/client4/web88/web/hishtml/
Uhm... I do not use the FTP session in "Web Access -> FTP-Accounts", but "Command Line -> Shell User" to provide access in SFTP and not in FTP mode, and the "Base Dir" in "Options" tab is correct , for example "/var/www/clients/client15/web117".
Ok, so you don't use FTP at all. A connection by SSH is not FTP, thats either SCP or SFTP which are both protocols handled by sshd and not FTP. If you want to have a jailed ssh account then activate the jail in the ssh user. Or use FTP or FTPS (FTP over TLS) instead of the SSH protocols SCP and SFTP as FTP logins are jailed by default.