Hello. Recently I'm having problems with creating databases and sites. For database creating I'm using webmin but I have problem with sites. When I create site it's in the list but it's not creating folder for it nor vhost. I'm using nginx and Debian Linux 7.9 Thanks in advance!
I'm creating sites with ispconfig. It doesn't show any errors at all. It's successfully adding site and I can see it in site list but it doesn't create any folders for it and also there isn't any vhost for it. I'm using webmin only for creating mysql databases since ispconfig refuses to create databases too.
Using Webmin on an ISPConfig server is dangerous as Webmin can change the system in a way that ISPConfig can't create databases, websites, mail accounts etc. anymore. Using Webmin is only ok as long as you don't alter any settings with Webmin that are managed by ISPConfig like MySQL, Postfix, Bind; Apache, Nginx, Dovecot/Courier and pure-ftpd. You should undo all changes that you made with Webmin to ensure that you don't get more conflicts. When ISPConfig can't create Databases then the most likely reason is that you altered the MySQL root password and missed to set the new password in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf And for the issue that ISPConfig can not create websites anymore, see here: https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/please-read-before-posting.58408/
I installed webmin after ispconfig is having problems. Also I'm not changing anything you mentioned in webmin, only created few databases, thats all and updated packages. I only chnaged mysql root password after Ispconfig isn't creating databases and sites and I think I changed. Well I'll take a look in your suggested link and that file and let you know if it worked. Thanks for assistance!
The link I posted above contains all information that is required to debug your issue. I cant help you when you dont post the debug output of the server.sh script.