dovecot error : failed: Input/output error

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by nacera, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. nacera

    nacera New Member

    I have the following error in my log file:
    #dovecot: imap( Error: Corrupted index cache file /var/vmail/mydomain/xxxxxx/indexes/.Deleted/dovecot.index.cache: Broken physical size for mail UID 683
    #dovecot: imap : ( Error: read(/var/vmail/,Sa) failed: Input/output error (uid=683)
    I can not find the source of the problem
    Can you help me please:(
    dovecot 2.1.7
    postfix 2.9.6
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thats just a corrupted index file. Try to backup the file /var/vmail/mydomain/xxxxxx/indexes/.Deleted/dovecot.index.cache and then delete it. dovecot should recreate it automatically.
  3. nacera

    nacera New Member

    alot thank you for your answer.
    the problem is that all virtual mailbox index file is the same mistake and the worst that there is a box which roundcube can not read the new message the number of increments ressus message and the message is not displayed on the reception box and have the following error message:

    dovecot: imap( Error: Cached message size smaller than expected (1392 < 2653)
    Jan 26 10:10:54 server dovecot: imap( Error: Corrupted index cache file /var/vmail/ Broken physical size for mail UID 5122

    dovecot: imap( Error: read(/var/vmail/,RS) failed: Input/output error (FETCH for mailbox Deleted UID 30)
    thank you in advance for your help

    my file email.err is filled with error messages index
    and people even as they do not receive their messages.
    help me please
    sorry for my English:oops:
  4. Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Just do what till told you and it will be ok. It could be a result of a server crash but you might consider checking your harddrive using s.m.a.r.t.-tools.

    Backup your files in /var/vmail/ ( on mounted external storage just in case! )
    to delete/reset all index files you could do something like
    find /var/vmail -name "dovecot.index.cache" -exec rm -f {} \;
    or just delete the files mentioned in your log manually.

    I'd also recommend checking consisty of your hard drives just in case.
    Also make sure proper permissions are set to your vmail folders ( group and user ownership is set to vmail in faulty directories )

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