ProFTP cannot login with 3rd party utils.

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by jenjen, Jul 5, 2006.

  1. jenjen

    jenjen New Member

    Regarding PROFTP problems, here is a new post:
    I have been following the thread posted by tarndt June 28th and I have tried most of the suggestions by falko. One of the interesting tests is to login through putty to ftp localhost. The usernames and passwords work, the same usernames and passwords work with web-FTP through ISPConfig. Unfortunately, when logging in using smart FTP get "login incorrect".

    Netstat -tap returns:

    tcp 0 0 *:ftp *:* LISTEN 22907/proftpd: (acc

    If I set the site to anonymous login, I can login with SmartFTP.
    The users are in /etc/passwd although there is also another file /etc/passwd- and the users are also in it.

    I have turned off the ISPConfig firewall as I have some rules that it cannot duplicate, but whethor it is on or off, same result. ISPconfig also has the FTP service enabled. I don't think there is a problem here, as it can connect anonymously.

    I have looked at proftp.conf and proftp_ispconfig.conf and compared them with another server that all of this works on, they look similar.
    So I am stumped, if there are any other suggestions, I would appreciate hearing them!
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2006
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Have you tried both active and passive transfers in SmartFTP?
    What's the output of
    netstat -tap
    iptables -L
  3. jenjen

    jenjen New Member

    Thank you for replying to my query. I have tried both passive FTP and it also will not work.
    The output of netstat -tap is in my first post, it appears that FTP is listening on all interfaces.
    Iptables -L yields:
    ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ftp state NEW
    which to me looks like it should work.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Can you turn off the firewall and try again?
  5. jenjen

    jenjen New Member

    I have tried this now with the firewall off on the Linux box and Off in ISPConfig. I can't get access.
    I have also been using for most of my testing, the Linux firewall on and the ISPConfig firewall off.

    Now I have turned off Linux firewall and restarted the ISPConfig firewall....
    and that doesn't work either.
    This is just not making sense!
    I added the user for this website to the Secondary group ftp, and I have looked into the logs and I see:

    Jul 18 16:33:45 web05 proftpd[8366]: ([]) - PAM(web11_th
    eatre): Authentication failure.

    So I am now going through and trying to see if there is some access list that these users need to be in and are not.
    Please write back with any suggested areas I need to check in, I will be reviewing your other posts as well.
  6. jenjen

    jenjen New Member

    more information on proftp with ISPConfig

    I noticed in one of the other posts, you had looked at the contents of the /etc/proftp_ispconfig.conf files, mine appear to be slightly different, rather than one virtual host, there are 2:

    DefaultRoot ~
    AllowOverwrite on
    Umask 002
    DefaultRoot ~
    AllowOverwrite on
    Umask 002
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Never use two different firewalls at the same time. It will mess up your firewall rules, resulting in unforeseeable behaviour! Either use your Linux firewall, or use the ISPConfig firewall, but not both at the same time.

    Which distribution do you use?
  8. jenjen

    jenjen New Member

    I am generally only using the Linux firewall but in this case on this server I am trying anything to see if I have done something wrong, in other words I am desperate! (-:

    Could you please explain what you need to know regarding distribution? do you mean distribution of ISPConfig or Linux firewall?
  9. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I want to know if you use Debian, Fedora, SuSE, Mandriva, CentOS, ..., and which version of that distribution.
  10. fobicodam

    fobicodam New Member

    I know its a stupid idea, but... are you writing the username/passwords right? are you using webXX_XXX ? what about password capital letters? linux is case sensitive.

    you said you can log in anonymously, so, i dont believe its firewall problem..

    Try disable pasive transfer or using the ftp command under windows.
  11. jenjen

    jenjen New Member

    Linux Fedora Core 4
  12. jenjen

    jenjen New Member

    Thanks for your reply, its a valid question, yes I have doube checked this information.
    Although, you have now prompted me to try creating a user directly in Proftpd to see if they can get through........
  13. jenjen

    jenjen New Member

    One interesting thing to note, the ProFTP server status is running, it is set to start at boot, and yet in webmin, anytime you enter any of the screens to edit anything to do with the FTP server, it shows the ability to Start Proftp at the top of the page. So somehow the server is running but webmin is not getting the message that it is running, and I wonder if there is something wrong with the service?
  14. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  15. jenjen

    jenjen New Member

    Thanks for the link, had a read, I haven't got a router in front of this server, only using the Linux firewall, but I will check the logs there and see if anything fishy going on.
    Can't really connect and test internally, as it is only connected to the internet.
    Getting to the point that I am going to build a new server I think....
  16. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  17. jenjen

    jenjen New Member

    Well thank you very, very much, this worked!!! And I would never have figured it out!
    I am very relieved I was down to the last few hairs on my head, but it was also a good learning process.
    Now if you have the time....
    I am going to assume that ISPconfig uses an ftp server it calls "ftp" and therefore this pam file needed to have the same name, does it kind of piggy back on proftp?? Can you let me know if I have the correct thought process here?
    Once again thanks!
  18. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    This has nothing to do with ISPConfig. ProFTPd needs that file. If it's working, it's ok. :)

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