thanx for that tutorial, seems exactly what i need. But a question: How can I set up this project on my server so that I can access to all my folders with root password and not limit it to the web contents of an exact user?
Sorry Oot : btw, why by default ISPConfig does not include a file manager? because some users need this
I've not run ajaxplorer offhand, so this is somewhat guessing, but if it run in the web server, you cannot, nor would you ever want to for security reasons. A lot of effort goes into making sure the webserver cannot access things as root, but only as an "unprivileged" user. I do agree that a file manager within a control panel is handy at times, especially for customers.
Customer! tha'ts the point! I can do whatever i want within ssh terminal but I don't like to invite any customer to enjoy terminal connection! and FTP does not sound good hand handy for everyone!
it's (ajaxplorer) work for multi user account ? currently i have install ISPConfig3 for shared web hosting, and i got a lot of complaints about file manager Can anyone provide a good recommendation a file manager for ISPconfig3 that can running well for multi user? Thanks
You can use any file manager together with ispconfig, the link to the file manager (WebFTP URL) in ISPConfig is freely configurable under System > Interface config. One option is e.f. pydio:
Take a look at Open Source MonstaFTP A lot of features like Ajax and drag and drop and its only a single index.php file. Like it the best of all the file managers out there and have been using it for over a year. Worth checking out.
Thanks a lot @webguyz, very nice and simple to use I've tried and nice Btw, How about security if use for shared hosting?
No direct experience, but I infer that it does include a text editor, as lists this setting:
It does have a very basic text editor. You should be able to right click on any php or txt file and choose edit it will pull it up
Monstaftp looks good, anychance of a step by step tutorial from anyone who manages to get it working with ispconfig?