Unpredictable error :(

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by hopeless, Jul 21, 2006.

  1. hopeless

    hopeless New Member

    Hi , I would like add an address [email protected]
    useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/info -m info
    I wrote this code, it can open for other email adresses but when I wanna open info@ , it cannot be open,
    when I add an address to the server, to activate it, I send a message to the address then in the directory of the address that I created,Maildir is builded and we can use that email address.
    but for info@... it cannot be occured, maildir cannot be occured,
    can it be info a reserved word for email addres,
    do you have any idea that how I can fix this problem,
    thank you
  2. TheRudy

    TheRudy Member

    Maybe you already have info user created?
  3. hopeless

    hopeless New Member

    nupe, unfourtunately the problem isnot such as easy, I look the table of users, than add , when adding the info, there is no problem I can change password, but activation is problem,
    I deleted the info then again create one , but nothing helped, I didnt understand why,but it can not be acitvated,how I can fix ,I dunno .
  4. TheRudy

    TheRudy Member

    What table? MySQL? You checked if the user already exists in table? Did you check if user already exist in /home? You cannot have two users with the same name like /home/info. You confused me, need some food :D
  5. hopeless

    hopeless New Member

    I looked of course not in mysql:),
    in here info there is not another one, just wonder ,when you create a email address, then you email it, to be activated
    after when you look inside home/newone
    there is Maildir and public_html

    but for Info,after sending email, when I look inside /home/info
    just there is public_html
    there is no Maildir,
    so how can it be fixed, have you any idea , I hope and beg that you have any idea :)
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's in /etc/aliases?
    What's in /etc/postfix/main.cf (please strip out the comments)?
  7. hopeless

    hopeless New Member

    I found the problem, there was a maillist group in Mailman , in that maillist there was an info email, I try to erase list but I couldnt , in Mailman web interface, there is no erase button for maillist, I just erase all email list in the mail list, now info email occured, I created . but I wonder how I can erase the unwannted maillist groups, because in command line groupdel info, I wrote but , it says there is no a group such as info, I used rmlist but it said there is no command like that,
    how I can erase a maillist, group that created in Mailman,in command line I look groups file there was no info, it should be maillist file, or such as that,
    pls comment
    thank you
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  9. hopeless

    hopeless New Member

    thank you so much I fixed it,

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