Some questions about ISPConfig

Discussion in 'General' started by haustier, Jul 24, 2006.

  1. haustier

    haustier New Member

    here are my questions:

    - How easy is the upgrade process of ISPConfig (do i have to adjust a lot of things manually)?
    - How are the ISPConfig Apache/PHP5/etc. updated?
    - Is it possible to run the administrative interface as a user diffrent from root?
    - How intrusive is ISPConfig? Can it be uninstalled? (I installed it locally, but i cant reproduce where files are being installed)

    Thanks in advance!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Easy, no manual twaeking nescessary. Just download the latest version, run the setup script and your installation will be updated.

    From your linux distribution, e.g. with yast, yum, apt.get.

    The administrative interface is not run from root, it is run from /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/

    ISPConfig uninstall:

    run: /root/ispconfig/uninstall

    Then remove the ISPConfig part at the end of your apache configuration file and the last line from your proftpd.conf
  3. haustier

    haustier New Member

    I was thinking about Apache/PHP5/.. in the /root/ispconfig

    But the httpd in /root/ispconfig is run as root. Is this neccesary?

    Thanks for the answers till!
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This PHP and apache are only used by the controlpanel, not for hosting the websites. All software that is delivered with ISPConfig is updated by the ISPConfig installer.

    There is no apache webserver running as root user in ISPConfig, the apache is running under the user admispconfig.

    Only the daemon scripts are run as root that must have root priveliges.

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