This is weird, everything was working fine, i have 3 other wordpress installations working fine, but then after i installed the 4th one, when i get back to check what are the installed packages i get this output below, also, now i can´t install other packages using the aps- installer. everything else works fine except the installed packages page. ISPCONFIG version -> The weird output is this one below: #0 db->query(SELECT AS id, aps_instances.package_id AS package_id, aps_instances.customer_id AS customer_id, AS customer_name, aps_instances.instance_status AS instance_status, AS package_name, aps_packages.version AS package_version, aps_packages.release AS package_release, aps_packages.package_status AS package_status, CONCAT((SELECT value FROM aps_instances_settings WHERE name='main_domain' AND instance_id =, '/', (SELECT value FROM aps_instances_settings WHERE name='main_location' AND instance_id = AS install_location FROM aps_instances, aps_packages, sys_group WHERE sys_group.client_id = aps_instances.customer_id AND aps_instances.package_id = and LIKE '%wordpress%' ORDER BY package_name LIMIT 0, 15) called at [/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/classes/] #1 db->queryAllRecords(SELECT AS id, aps_instances.package_id AS package_id, aps_instances.customer_id AS customer_id, AS customer_name, aps_instances.instance_status AS instance_status, AS package_name, aps_packages.version AS package_version, aps_packages.release AS package_release, aps_packages.package_status AS package_status, CONCAT((SELECT value FROM aps_instances_settings WHERE name='main_domain' AND instance_id =, '/', (SELECT value FROM aps_instances_settings WHERE name='main_location' AND instance_id = AS install_location FROM aps_instances, aps_packages, sys_group WHERE sys_group.client_id = aps_instances.customer_id AND aps_instances.package_id = and LIKE '%wordpress%' ORDER BY package_name LIMIT 0, 15) called at [/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/sites/aps_installedpackages_list.php:112] Thank you all in advance!
The database might be corrupted. Try to run a repair in all tables in the dbispconfig database with phpmyadmin.
Thank you till, but it didn´t solve the problem. I did some digging it turned out to be quite simple, the disk got filled while i was logged in on the Interface, once i logged out i couldn´t get in anymore, so i started to dig, then after a simple df -H i found out that the disk was full, so most likely the db was having trouble, to test my theory i rebooted the server(easier and faster than digging through log files), and mysql would not start anymore, i cleaned the disk and everything is back to normal. But thank you for your answer anyway, i never knew that we could repair ispconfig tables, that one i´ll save for the future.