Hello, I just finished installing my Mail server following this tutorial : hostpresto.com/community/tutorials/how-to-setup-an-email-server-on-centos7/ And installed Roundcube following this tutorial : howtoforge.com/running-roundcube-0.7.1-on-nginx-lemp-on-debian-squeeze-ubuntu-11.10#-installing-roundcube- So For now, I m able to send email but can't receive, so I need some help please. I m using Centos 7, for further information just let me know.
Yes it's pointing, and I found the probléme. I don't know how I overwritten the SSL files, so I generated it back and it work. I have another question if it's possible when I send email I see mayname@mail(dot)domaine(dot)com it's ugly I would like something like mayname@domaine(dot)com. Thanks