Improve webmail and comunication system of ispconfig

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by tr909192, Nov 11, 2016.

  1. tr909192

    tr909192 Member HowtoForge Supporter


    at this time we are using the RoundCube webmail with the plugin to integrate them with ISPConfig.
    But what about if we want improve the webmail (and in generale the comunication system of the email customer) with something more organic?

    For example Zimbra is a pretty cool alternative to Microsoft Outlook and the Google Suite, but at this time there is no easy way to integrate them with the great ISPConfig. Someone know if exist alternative (free or premium) suitable on that purpose?

    Let us know.
    Thank you.
  2. DonMcCoy

    DonMcCoy New Member


    this what i was telling myself too two months ago, so i made a list of all available webmails and mail server in linux, which is:

    Zimbra, Rainloop, Atmail, Afterlogic, Vteddy, Horde, Roundcube, SquirrelMail, Xuheki Webmail, Eemailn, Hivemail, FastMail, Zentyal

    so after filtering this list according to features, Interface appearence, development timeline, protocols available (IMAP, POP, LDAP), configuration difficulty and implemention with ISPConfig I got the following best solutions:



    very organised and neat interface, all protocols are available (IMAP, POP, LDAP), feature-rich with calenders and much more, Implementations with Unified Communications Integration (VoIP), 3rd party extentions with a lot of features.
    ActiveSync unfortunately isn't available with open-source edition.

    But the bad news (for us, ISPConfig users and other Hosting panels too) that Zimbra is a server installation which means that it will install all the mail component (Postfix, Dovecot and all other Spam/antivirus components) and configure it on its own which will make it easier to configure but will give you a headache later and days with hassling to get ISPConfig working with mail componenets again, and it will require a clean server installation to work properly.



    Zentyal is quite the same as Zimbra but with great features to manage server components other than mail (Networking, Domains, DNS, DHCP, Firewalls, statistics) as you see in the picture above.
    But again Zentyal requires clean server installation.



    Rainloop was finally my solution, it hasn't all the features of Zentyal and Zimbra such as calenders, ActiveSync.
    RainLoop have dedicated admin interface where you can manage branding (page title, favicon, logos and even custom css), it will store contacts too but require mysql database for this, manage domains which mean you can configure to work on IMAP/STARTTLS where works on IMAP/Plain.
    Social integrations (Facebook/Google/Twitter/DropBox): to allow users to log with their social account credentials and DropBox gives the ability to attach files from you DropBox account.
    Plugins: which got plugins to manage logins windows and so on, but the best of all is "ispconfig-change-password" plugin which allow users to change password directly from RainLoop interface, it just require login to ISPConfig Database, and skip the hassle of configuring PHP-SOAP as in RoundCube and Horde.

    So Final word, i really recommend RainLoop which is 10x faster than RoundCube with prettier interface and more features and easier installation process and ISPConfig-friendly.

    if you faced any problems with installations an configure just open new thread addressing the problem.

    tr909192, Turbanator and till like this.
  3. tr909192

    tr909192 Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thank you Omar for your very specific answer.
    Unluckly I know already most of these piece of software and no one of them, cover my needs.
    Any way thank you for your effort.

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