GoDaddy NS related - one server two IP addresses

Discussion in 'General' started by sevar, Jul 28, 2006.

  1. sevar

    sevar New Member

    I read the godaddy + dns article and it looks cool. However I have one question.

    I have a NS ( and both on the same server, but with different IP addresses. The howto describes how to setup nameserver with ispconfig installed on two different servers? Could someone please explain how to setup two nameservers on the same server, but with two IP addresses.

    Also, the nameservers currently provide resolution for around 22 sites. How can I move the nameservers over to my new ispconfig-powered server without discontinuation in service for all those domains (some of which are owned/administered by others)?

    For the record, the domain name used for the nameservers is used only for the nameservers and for nothing else.

    Thank you.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You just install BIND on your server (I guess you already have because you have ISPConfig installed :D ), and you must have both IP addresses configured on your server. Then you point to your first IP address and to your second. In ISPConfig, you just create master records, there are no zone transfers necessary to your secondary DNS because ns1 and ns2 are using the same BIND.

    Go to ISPConfig, set up all records for your 22 domains, test them wit the
    command, and at the end, if everything is fine, you go to your registrars web interface and change the name servers for each of your 22 domains to and
  3. sevar

    sevar New Member

    Thanks Falko. I really appreciate your help and all the guides you've written.
  4. gorolla

    gorolla New Member

    Hi sevar,

    Just wondering how did you go with setting this up? Did it work?

    If it did, can you please guide me through how to get this work? because I wish do the same thing. However I don't know how to setup and with 2 ip addresses!

    Is there a howto guide or some resource for me read about this.

    Thank you.
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  6. djamoer

    djamoer New Member


    Hi Falko,

    Thanks for the great articles, but honestly there are a couple of things that are still missing on my end. My GoDaddy account does not have "Total DNS Control", when I click on the domain, so I just follow the last part, which is to create NS1 and NS2 on the "Domain Host Summary" with the corresponsing 2 different IP address that is being pointed to the same server.

    I'm still having problem in understanding on how to setup this nameserver on single server with 2 different IP address.

    From what I can understand, this is the steps that I need to take:
    1. Setup A (host) record for the domain to be used as a nameserver, which is and I cannot do this step, because I don't see any option for this in my GoDaddy account, will it be a matter if I just start from step 2?
    2. Setup domain host again on GoDaddy summary page, which I'm still not sure why we need to do it twice.
    3. Change server setting in ISPConfig, under dns tab to have and to be the name server address.

    That's all, right? Now I can just start using the nameserver for all my other domain, and all I need to do just setup a new site using any reseller account that I just created, and it will automatically create the DNS config and records for the current site domain, and all I need is to change the nameserver for that specific site to use and that I setup in the first place. Do I get this right? Will the new site domain automatically support email as well?

    Thank you
  7. TheMetrix

    TheMetrix New Member

    NS Records

    I looked on GoDaddys website on how Kolko said to create the NS Records. He is correct in the tutorial but that is only if you do not have your NS Records pointed already.

    To do DNS Total control you would have to bring your NS Records back over to Godaddy and then proceed as Kolko instructs.

    Kolko - That is one very good tutorial by the way.
  8. djamoer

    djamoer New Member

    That's so true.

    I just figure it out, and I finally be able to get the whole thing work out.

    Thanks for the info TheMetrix.

    PS: Sorry for not introducing myself ;)
  9. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I think you mean Falko? ;)
  10. TheMetrix

    TheMetrix New Member

    Thank you both for the knowledge.apt-get install wget bzip2 rdate fetchmail libdb3++-dev unzip zip ncftp xlispstat libarchive-zip-perl zlib1g-dev libpopt-dev nmap openssl lynx fileutils

    Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself also.

    New to the forums and to ISPConfig. Been using Linux for about 5 yrs off and on so you can call me a linux n00b too.:)

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