Correct update procedure ispconfig + ubuntu?

Discussion in 'General' started by clabrown, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. clabrown

    clabrown New Member

    What is the correct update procedure for ubuntu and ispconfig3? I found a howto FAQ to update ispconfig separately, but I am concerned that if I just run the standard ubuntu update, it may update parts of ispconfig3 incorrectly and break something. Should I run one and then the other ... any particular order? How do I update safely to ensure both the OS and ispconfig system up to date for security? Thanks.
  2. Ghostdare

    Ghostdare Member

  3. clabrown

    clabrown New Member

    Yes, that is the ispconfig update faq I found, but what about the ubuntu update? Does the ispconfig update also run the ubuntu update? I want to make sure the rest of the server has all of its security patches too.

    Does the ispconfig update also run the ubuntu update? The faq does not mention it.

    I have found 2 versions of commands to update ubuntu:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

    or maybe:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade

    Also, as an aside if you know, I'm trying to figure out the differences between in the last command line of just "upgrade" vs "dist-upgrade"
  4. Ghostdare

    Ghostdare Member

    No, that procedure will not triger also the update of ubuntu.

    sudo apt-get update - command for check the latest ubuntu packages available for your distro

    But try the commands and see what will happen - nothing will be done witout your permision.

    So if you wnat to be very cautious - make the backup exactly from the procedure, update your distro and then the ISPConfig's.

    From my experience - i've made the update to Ubuntu without backup and nothing worse happen. (my server is virtual machine - so i took a snapshot before).
  5. clabrown

    clabrown New Member


    Mine is also virtual, so I will be making a snapshot!

    So the correct procedure is ...

    1. Snapshot.
    2. Update Ubuntu (hope it doesn't do something bad to ISPConfig's packages).
    3. Update ISPConfig (hope that if the Ubuntu update did anything bad to ISPConfig that this fixes it).

    I hate to say it, but my concern dates to the bad old days of applying a service pack to WinNT, where the service pack was likely to step on and break driver patches, so you had to do it in the right order and go back and re-fix stuff after applying it. I was worried that the Ubuntu update might patch the packages ISPConfig uses to versions that ISPConfig didn't like.

    Thanks again!
  6. Chris_Lancs

    Chris_Lancs New Member

    I am aware this is an old post but i can shed light onto the various apt commands.

    apt-get update - checks for available updates refreshing the cache makes no changes to anything other than the apt cache.

    apt-get upgrade - performs the upgrade of all available packages (does not upgrade to the next release of the OS), generally you can upgrade packages without much fuss from your applications / services. But as always you should be performing backups just to ensure you can recover if needed.

    apt-get dist-upgrade - This is a distribution upgrade, the operating system, per your setting for distribution upgrade this will either upgrade to the next release, development release or LTS release. for me the last dist-upgrade was 14.04 LTS to 16.04 LTS. You should consider this a reset to some extent. Depending on how soon you upgrade to a new release its possible that your applications are not yet caught up to the newest version of the OS. You should at the very least check your programs have been brought up to date before upgrading the OS if you rely on them.

    Sadly i cannot yet shed light onto ISPConfig, im here looking for answers to this myself.
  7. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    Not sure what you're needing, but the ISPConfig piece of an OS upgrade (14.04 -> 16.04 or whatever) is basically to perform the OS update as you otherwise would, then pull up the Perfect Server tutorial relevant to your new OS and run through there making sure you have all the needed packages installed, then re-run the ispconfig installer and reconfigure services. If you've changed apache versions you may have a few directives in websites to update, but otherwise you're pretty much done.
  8. Chris_Lancs

    Chris_Lancs New Member

    Thanks for the reply Jesse, I was looking in the tools of ispconfig and noticed something on the OS update that didnt look right. Maybe a misconfig somewhere in ispconfig that i missed or maybe just another option for upgrades with aptitude that im unaware of.

    aptitude -y upgrade (as far as i know) this isnt the correct method for ubuntu ive always used apt-get dist-upgrade since using ubuntu without issue that's what i was looking for when i found this page. Its possible i just dont know about the way ispconfig does it, im certainly not an expert in the field.

    In anycase, per two attempts on different systems i would not recommend a 14.04 > 16.04 upgrade and would not do one again. I've had two systems fail to upgrade correctly and require manual intervention to recover the system. Luckily for myself /home on my systems have been configured as mounted disk since ubuntu 12, so recovery didn't include any loss of important data just a few curses and tears :D.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2017
  9. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    As you note, the 'OS update' in ispconfig just runs 'aptitude -y upgrade', which installs the latest updates for installed packages, it certainly won't try to change distributions like when you run dist-upgrade.
  10. Loveless

    Loveless Member

    Just a question regarding this; In what way is it a bad idea to git clone the latest ISPconfig master instead of running the stable updates only? I'm very much tempted to upgrade my ISPconfig 3.1.2 stable to the latest git master, because it has a couple of patches I prefer. How non-production level is that branch really? Where I work the master in git is usually pretty damn stable and tested already, what kind of problems could I run into (that I can't solve easily, assuming I'm reasonably fluent in linux/server administration)?
  11. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Stable is 3.1.2 but updating to git-stable is also fine as it contains the latest stable commits from the developers before next release.
    Loveless likes this.

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