I have an ISPConfig3 server and moved it to a new IP address. Its old address is now occupied by another server. All my sites run okay, but I can no longer use the ISPConfig3 interface. All pages just have the spinner all the time and do not work. I suspect on the page System -> Server Config -> Server I need to change the IP address. But I cannot get to that page because I am stuck with the spinner all the time. I have been unsuccessful at finding the configuration file. If someone can please tell me where the configuration file is located, I will change the IP address there and see if ISPConfig3 starts working again. Thanks, Kyle
The ispconfig interface itself is not bound to a specific IP address. The IP of a server is configured in the network configuration file of the server, on Debian and Ubuntu this file is /etc/network/interfaces
Yes /etc/sysconfig/network and /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 were modified to change the IP address of the server (CentOS). Do you have any suggestions why all the hosted sites work, but ISPConfig3 does not work since the server was moved to a new address? Thanks, Kyle
Since moving to the new IP address, when you first log into ISPConfig with FireFox, it comes up with a blank, white screen. Click Reload, Resend, and the Home screen comes up. It has the latest news from 2017-01-24 on the left and Available Modules in the middle. Click Sites, and left menu changes, but middle of screen still says Available Modules. Click Website and middle of screen still says Available Modules. Databases and screen still says Available Modules. At top, click System and middle screen still says Available Modules. Sometimes, the circle spinner gets stuck "on" in the middle of the screen. Can anyone give any help troubleshooting this? The only change I am aware of was the IP address of the server. Very desperately, Kyle
I tried that as well as other browsers that I had not used for ISPConfig before. They all have the exact same issues. Thanks, Kyle
This morning, it looks like I traced my problem to this bug report: https://git.ispconfig.org/ispconfig/ispconfig3/issues/4425 The issue apparently has been fixed in 3.1.2. When is 3.1.2 coming out? Thanks, Kyle
I had forgotten we changed to PHP 7.1.0 before we moved the server to a new IP address. I guess I had not run ISPConfig3 since updating to PHP 7.1.0. Since nobody bothered to answer my question 'when is 3.1.2 coming out' I downgraded this server from PHP 7.1.0 to PHP 7.0.15. Now ISPConfig3 seems to work again. -Kyle