How to install opendkim on ispconfig 3.1.2

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Jitsu Wrong, Feb 12, 2017.

  1. Jitsu Wrong

    Jitsu Wrong New Member

    Im running ispconfig 3.1.2 on ubuntu 16.04, what howto can i use to install opendkim?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Why do you want to do that? ISPConfig contains dkim signing and that is done by amavisd, opendkim is not required, if you would install opendkim, then dkim support in ispconfig will stop working.
  3. Jitsu Wrong

    Jitsu Wrong New Member

    Dkim signing is not working on my installation.
    How can i make sure it is installed properly?
  4. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    remove open-dkim and update to the latest ispconfig and choose "reconfigure services" during the update.
  5. Jitsu Wrong

    Jitsu Wrong New Member

    Opendkim is not install. I updated ispconfig to the latest version.
  6. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    If you followed the perfect-setup everything is installed. ISPConfig uses amvis to sign mails with dkim. Did you choose reconfigure services during the update?
    You can debug dkim:
  7. Jitsu Wrong

    Jitsu Wrong New Member

    Sorry, i forgot to mentions that this is a multi server installation. how do i go about it?

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