hello guys! today i upgraded the ispconfig to latest version and after that i cannot login but i found a fix, i have to login on the server IP not on the FQDN anyway, after loging in i cannot make any changes. i always get errors (related to mysql i guess). i can only see the actual settings but if i make any changes and i press save, i get error: Unknown column 'lost_password_function' in 'field list' Unknown column 'allow_send_as' in 'field list' and so on... what can i do ?
That's caused by your browser which cached the old session. Delete the brwser cache and cookies to fix it. Most likely you had a wrong MySQL root password in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf file. Set the correct password there, download ispconfig again, unpack it and run the update.php script in the install folder to redo the update,
root password is correct in mysql_clientdb.conf should i still retry the update? thank you sir for your support! LE: also, where should i unpack ispconfig? i'm new to ispc and server related stuff.
Yes, please retry the update. If it does not help, then one way to fix it is to search for the missing column names, e.g. lost_password_function in the folder install/sql/incremental/ of the ispconfig 3 tar.gz to find the sql file which has not been executed during update and then execute that file in the dbispconfig database e.g. with phpmyadmin.
i did again the upgrade, now i cannot login in the mail server.. the server is up and runing but i cannot login on email. server accepts emails but i cannot login. maybe dovecot mysql login data got scrumbled up ?
So the errors in ispconfig are gone? Regarding mail server, take a look at the mail log file to see why your logn fails.
the errors are not gone... it is SAFE to uninstall ISPConfig 3.1.2 ? and reinstall OLD version ? i get this error a lot " mysql: unknown variable 'asocket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'" I managed to solve the login problem now i still have the issues with missing columns... no way to convert database automaticaly to new version?
That's what the installer tried to do on your system and that failed which is the reason for your problem. I explained above how to fix that manually.
i fixed problem manually by importing sql files. everithing is fine until now. thank you! question: my server has 4 ip addresses in /etc/network/interfaces and in ISPC settings, if i acces the server trough ip address (any of them) redirects me to squirrelmail login page. problem is i have multiple domains, if i put in "Site Settings" IP#1 to one domain is working fine, if i put to the same domain IP#2 / 3 / 4 the domain now redirects again to squirrelmail. IS because i need to update and the DNS ZONES? but it doesent do it automatically? LE: after manually editing DNS ZONES is working. this problem is solved! thank you four your help! and keeping this project alive!