awstats /stats/ directory

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by tom123, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. tom123

    tom123 Member

    I've seen that ISPConfig places a /stats/ directory under web.

    Is possible to change this path? I don't like to customize files and folder inside a directory used by customers.

    What will happens if a customers already has a /stats/ folder inside it's website?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The path is not customizable, its a system folder from ispconfig.
  3. tom123

    tom123 Member

    What happens if customers (like many of mine) already has a /stats/ folder ?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The folder is created before the customer is even able to access its website the first time, so this folder always exist when the customer gets access to his site.

    The stats folder is a reserved folder name in ispconfig and may not be used for custom pages. Thats the case for all ispconfig versions since 2.0.
  5. tom123

    tom123 Member

    As I can see, /stats/ folder is referenced only in apache module and cron script.

    It should be pretty easy to move this folder outside webroot, if referenced only in these two files.
  6. Lalas Muathasim M

    Lalas Muathasim M New Member

    What is the use of this stats/ folder

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