Hi all, PALI (Perfect Automatic Lamp Installer) is a shell script that will install for you automatically transform your Debian 8 server to a full pre-optimised LAMP (Linux Apache Mysql Php) stack. Just install a debian 8 with ssh and you can do a a very fast installation of apache + php + mysql + memcached (with stored memcached php sessions), git, nodejs, webmin grunt and other interesting things like a pre-optimised mysqlserver or SSL Let’s Encrypt Certificate with an only one command line. It is a really simple script, so you can modify it if you need to add others software. I’ll update it each time i can. Today the script can do different things like : Install vim, iotop, mc, apache2, rsync, duplicity… Install php5-fpm (curl, apcu, gd, intl, imagick, imap, mcrypt, memcache, pspell, recode, sqlite, tidy, xmlrpc, xsl, soap, calendar) Install Mysql-server, Mysql-client and phpmyadmin Install munin, postfix, git, pure-ftpd, Imagemagick and curl Install Composer, NodeJs, Grunt, Drupal Console, Drush and webmin Activate userdir, rewrite, expires, deflate, headers and ssl Configure pure-ftpd to use unix users and chroot them Create a first virtualhost (on the hostname address) with a phpinfo and a phptest Pre-Optimized mysql configuration Pre-Optimized apache & php-fpm configuration You can change ssh port (22 by default) You can change webmin port (10000 by default) You can choose your NodeJS version 6 or 7 (7 by default) Make a “hot modification” of the hostname of the server Configure php for using memcached for session storage Automatically install and configure Let’s encrypt certificate Install & configure Fail2ban, rkhunter & chkrootkit Install & configure an iptables firewall with adapted rules Choose you admin email contact Setup root, mysql & user password and sent you them by email Stop to talk, now you just want to install your server ? Just download and launch the script on a Debian 8 server with only ssh. You can just modify email address and just launch the script but you can also use directly the options when you launch the script : -a email@address -> Admin email address that will receive the credentials -n my.hostname.com -> specify a new hostname for your server -s port_number -> specify a new port for ssh (22 by default) -w port_number -> specify a new port for webmin (10000 by default) -j nodeJS_version -> specify your nodeJS version 6 or 7 (7 by default) -h -> just if you want help to use the command Enjoy !
It probably works better with the script... :/ http://www.christophe-casalegno.com/my-works/pali-the-perfect-automatic-lamp-installer/