Remove LAN IPs from Dropdown

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by ei8ht, Mar 27, 2017.

  1. ei8ht

    ei8ht New Member

    Hi Team,
    i just set up a new server. This time, i added a secondary NIC vor every VM for the management with an ip in the Range.
    Every Vm has its own plubic IPv4, lets say
    When i create a new website now, i always see both IPs. How can i suppress the private range from the dropdown menu there? I already unset the NameVirtualHost tick in the server ip address settings.

    Oh, an ZFS Quota support would be great :) It should be possible according to the oracle documentation:

    Kind regards

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. ei8ht

    ei8ht New Member

    Hi Till,
    yes they are. But it is a multi server setup (only my MariaDB/Galera Backend is missing until now, i still owe you my manual ^^). Are the other servers still managable via ISPConfig over the internal LAN interfaces when i remove the IP addresses there (hostfile is set to internal ip adresses, not the external ones).
    Thanks for opening the feature request :)

    Kind regards

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The IP addresses listed there are used for two things:

    1) List them in website settings.
    2) Configure the /etc/network/interfaces file.

    Case 2) is disabled by default, so as long as you do not have network management enabled, then there should be no side effects.
  5. ei8ht

    ei8ht New Member

    Thank you Till for your explanation :) Didn't know this.

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