Since 2 day's already, I'm on contact with the Softaculous support for to get Softaculous on ISPConfig 3.1 to work. The Support of Softaculous had installed the Softaculous but are not able to start! Clicking on Softaculous, opens a new screen and stay blank without any error shown, using the static IP 123.456.789.012/softaculous (IP is bogus just example), and that's it! Now, if I add the ISPC Port, I use :8899, I get the Softaculous up and running, but if I use the Domain, it will not work, even if the Port is added: Even I could access Softaculous right now, I afraid that, if I install some script with it, it get's problems. Just waiting for the support of Softaculous to be back for to cross-check with them! All I need right now is to get OwnCloud to work on the server, The first try wasn't working and ended up in a full new install of Server and ISPC!
Hello, i know it doesn't help with your problem, but why won't you install OwnCloud as standalone, maybe as a Website or in a folder within an existing website? Regards ei8ht
Thanks for the answer. I'd done what you suggest and screwed up the server totally with Own Cloud to the point of a new installation of Debian and ISPC! In meantime I already got OwnCloud installed and work from within Softaculous. It works now with no problems (yet)! The only problem exist is, that Softaculous could only be started from within ISPC if the Port 8899 is used. If I click on the Softaculous button it tries to open Softaculous with / and that wouldn't work! It works if I add: / I'm not sure, it's a problem created by the Softaculous Support Staff?! Anyway, I got it to work and that matters!
You should ask the softaculous support, the integration of their software in ISPConfg has been developed by them and not by the ISPConfig team.
What you think I'd done the last 3 days? OK, I got it to work to near 100% but fully! And that could also be a problem of ISPC! At the moment I'm on installing another server with ISPConfic, simply just to find out what the problem really is, related to Softaculous or to ISPConfig! One of the problems is, cURL isn't working in ISPConfig, at least not in my installation! Even not now! I simply have the problem, that I couldn't open Softculous with the normal command from within ISPConfig, I've to add the ISPC Port manually to the start command! According to the Support of Softaculous, that's a problem of the not working cURL! The last three days I'd min. 16h worked each day and slept just 4h a day because of that problem. And I wrote already that I was in close contact with their support that time! Think about: You are on my place?! Regards
The answer to that is really easy, it can't be a problem of ISPConfig for several reasons. You bought a software from Softaculous where they claimed that the software that they sold you is working with ISPConfig. So if it does not work, then it's their problem when their software is not as compatible as they claimed and they have to fix it or stop claiming that their software is compatible with ISPConfig. We from ISPConfig neither recommended to install Softacolous on an ISPConfig server nor do we claim anywhere that Softaculous is compatible with ISPConfig nor do we sold you Softaculous and we do not support Softaculous on ISPConfig systems.
Er.....! You do not really want to claim that ISPConfig is 100% Error Free? Or would you claim that? Also, even ISPConfig is freeware, that didn't means either to be 100% OK! Sorry, Till, I'm an imperfect human (and like to be just that) and I didn't know anybody who's perfect and "error-free"! I just claim the right to find out what is wrong with something, doesn't matter WHO created it! There many mistakes have done every day by myself, and I know that, and would never claim it isn't just that! So, please, before talking about the mess before the door of someone else, look at your own. No offense was given or taken, I just had listen to much about those bad, those we're not and so on!
And just to add to all of that: I own a Lifetime License from Sopftaculous for more than 10 years already and it's simply the best Script Autoinstaller on the market. The only system and cPanel I got problems with, is now ISPConfig. That didn't means that ISPConfig is bad, it simply isn't, it is good! It has advantages over other cPanels, no regret with that, it's just true. But as any other software, it isn't 100% perfect! Take that or not, that's up to you. Regards
"The Support of Softaculous had installed the Softaculous but are not able to start!" They should finish this job... They say it's working, so it's up to them. This is from 04/2017. Maybe they are not supportig ispconfig 3.1 I do not use softaculous. If they have problems with the integration, they can contact the ispconfig developers.
I nowhere said that ISPConfig is perfect or error free. I just said that when someone sells you a software and claims that it is compatible with something else, then the person who sold you that software is responsible to ensure that the claims that he made are true. You can not blame someone else for that. Or in other words. You have a car. let's say a Ford. Now you buy a new tire from let's say Goodyear and Goodyear told you that the tire they sold you is perfect fit for your car. Now you find out that the tire is not working for your car. Do you blame Ford (who did not say that this Goodyear tire is fine for your car) now for that or Goodyear (who sold you the tire and confirmed that it works flawlessly)? So why you blame ISPConfig when the integration of a third party software that another vendor sold you is not working with ISPConfig?
The time I was bought the License from Softaculous, ISPC even wasn't existing at all! That was more than 10 years ago! Some few years ago (4y?), as I first time installed ISPC, I already asked for to add Softaculous to it and was getting not so nice responses from you, you simply wasn't interested in dealing with it in any means! Even as the Support at that time asked for infos directly to the ISPC staff, they didn't get answers! And that seems to be not have changed until today! ISPC has a bad reputation at Softaculous Support and They refrain from contacting ISPC on their own because of that behavior! Maybe Germans didn't ever understand an Asian Mentality?! And Softaculous is an Asian, or better: Indian company! Never forget, we're all humans, imperfect humans, and as long as someone didn't have the hard proof to better as others, don't stand above others! And don't discredit others ever, it will pin-point back! Steve Jobs was a good example of that in many means! To be successful in something never means to better as the others! Your accusation that I blame ISPC is simply wrong, I just told that I like to check out WHERE those problems are related from! And I simply claim that I have all rights for to do just that! Or do you like to say I didn't have that right? Regards.
They got an answer on all of their emails and I still have the mails here . So if they want that I prove here publicly that there are lying to you, then I can do that. I remember one of the support threads that I had with them, I communicated with a team of three of their developers and I had to explain them what the difference btween and absolute and relative URL is in the internet and that you can switch to a different port in a HTTP URL by simply adding a :XXXX port number string inside a URL. The problem that you explained in your thid thread is probably that issue, It must been two or three years ago and they still did not fix it in their code. Ok, so now let's try to fix the issue for them. They must have added a file, probably with the word softaculous in the name, in the directory /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/tools/lib/menu.d/ to get that meny entry in your screenshot. Please post the content of that file. I really wonder where you have all the things from that you claim about me... You said that I claimed that ispconfig is error free, I never said that. I just said that softacolous shall take care about their paying customers when their software is not working as it should and not offload the work to others. Now you claim that I said that you do not have the right to find our what the reason is, I did not say that anywhere. Then you said I discredited softaculous, where did I say that? Please reared your own post and my posts, did I say that softaculous has a bad reputation at us (I don't comment on that btw) or did they say that we have a bad reputation at them? So I really wonder where you read all the things that I never posted.
Hi, I'll come back later to this one! I'm not on that Server at the moment, I'm on installing Debian using your Perfect Server-debian-8-4-jessie-apache-bind-dovecot-ispconfig on Debian 8.7.1 and I'm on a point which has make problem by that other server: Chapter 11 after the command ./certbot-auto in which I've to enter Y for to continue, and that question repeated every time I entered Y until I entered N! Now I'm on the same point again! Just to mention, that screen picture of the Guide, didn't came up at all! What I get on screen is: What I've to answer?
And regarding the first issue, I took the time to write a short menu file like the one that a external softare like Softaculous would use to link itself into the ISPConfig menu. Create a new file, let's name it /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/tools/lib/menu.d/ Add the following content in that file: Code: <?php $items[] = array( 'title' => 'Softaculous', 'target' => '_blank', 'link' => 'http://123.456.789.012:8899/softaculous'); $module['nav'][] = array( 'title' => 'Test', 'open' => 1, 'items' => $items); unset($items); ?> Replace the Ip in the above URL with your server IP and save the file. Then run: chown ispconfig:ispconfig /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/tools/lib/menu.d/ Then login to ISPConfig, you should find a new menu point Test with subitem Softaculous there which points to the URL that you said that Softaculous uses on your server, so by clicking on it, it should open in your browser.